Hello people! Today I’m going to talk about my experience learning English at the University.
In the beginning of this year, in the first semester, when we met all the people and the thing we will have to do, in the timetable appear a lot of unmentionables names, like KEF, KBMC, etc., just one was normal in its name: “Ingles”. In the first week of classes we have to take an exam to evaluate our level of English and assign us in one of those levels. For my surprise, in the list I was in the third level, the antepenultimate. The explanation of my surprise as than the English of my school was very bad.
So, I started this classes and, in the begging, I thought that was a waste of time, but then I realize than it was something good, because we learn the vocabulary in a useful language. If I want to leave and work in another country, I’m going to obligatory learn this language; or even, if I want to postulate – in the future – in grants, investigation projects, exchanges or whatever, always is very useful know and speak in a second language.
But, I really thought than is very illusory to plane we learn a good level of English when we are so tired or thinking in muscles, articulations, neurons, etc. The level than now I have allows me read a paper and understand it, not all of it, but a lot; and that is very important, because we HAVE to do that for a lot of works in the other subjects, and from now and forever we are going to read in English.
The activity of the presentation is a good idea, the possibility to hear an investigator talking about what he/she does in English is fabulous; the only bad thing was than the topic was very difficult.
Well, this is a goodbye (I hope pass this and all the subjects).
I wish the best for you!
Friday, 19 November 2010
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Hello classmates! Today I´m going to talk about the language, because is something we use everyday and for that reason sometimes we forget the importance and poetry that it have.
Some philosophers or linguistics think than the human being always communicates, and the way to do it is throw the language. About that, sometimes I think than is wrong, other´s I think than is right; why is so changing my opinion? Well, because that affirmation has a contradiction or better a fallacy than I can show asking: Is always the language communicate?
I try to analyze that and really I don’t have a conclusion, but I can said than not only the words can communicate, the gestures, gazes, silences, movements, could say more than words. Even sounds or noise. And that is a problematic for a lot of disciplines, the absence of words for a lot of ideas.
In that point of my reflection, when I notice than there are a lot of ideas than we can’t communicate I think than is impossible to communicate always, all the time.
Now, about the beauty and “im-/perfection” of the language is the poetry, the possibility to say more than the word can say by itself. Is like to squeeze the word, take off all it have, and go through the mind of the reader.
And when the poetry is not enough to explain, we can invent words. Some people think than is prohibit for the “simple mortals”; I can’t be more in disagree with that. Say that is like stratify the intelligence, creative and imagination of the people, I think we can do that all the time we want and can, enjoy the possibility to create new ideas or point of views in an immaterial way.
To create words or just educate about the language is always useful see the “history” or etiology of the word, when we do that we can understand a lot of process of the knowledge or perception of the reality of the human being.
To end, I will like to say my favorite word: “Ineffable”
Some philosophers or linguistics think than the human being always communicates, and the way to do it is throw the language. About that, sometimes I think than is wrong, other´s I think than is right; why is so changing my opinion? Well, because that affirmation has a contradiction or better a fallacy than I can show asking: Is always the language communicate?
I try to analyze that and really I don’t have a conclusion, but I can said than not only the words can communicate, the gestures, gazes, silences, movements, could say more than words. Even sounds or noise. And that is a problematic for a lot of disciplines, the absence of words for a lot of ideas.
In that point of my reflection, when I notice than there are a lot of ideas than we can’t communicate I think than is impossible to communicate always, all the time.
Now, about the beauty and “im-/perfection” of the language is the poetry, the possibility to say more than the word can say by itself. Is like to squeeze the word, take off all it have, and go through the mind of the reader.
And when the poetry is not enough to explain, we can invent words. Some people think than is prohibit for the “simple mortals”; I can’t be more in disagree with that. Say that is like stratify the intelligence, creative and imagination of the people, I think we can do that all the time we want and can, enjoy the possibility to create new ideas or point of views in an immaterial way.
To create words or just educate about the language is always useful see the “history” or etiology of the word, when we do that we can understand a lot of process of the knowledge or perception of the reality of the human being.
To end, I will like to say my favorite word: “Ineffable”
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
M u s i c
Hello everyone, today I´m going to talk about one of the beautiful, great, marvellous expressions of the human being: the music.
The “art” is the best thing in the life: Theater, Painting, Cinema, Literature and those “magical” activities than realize Homo Sapiens are the things that make me feel alive and more than happy. We (the physical therapist) study something called by Plutarco “perfect arts” (or maybe is just an “useful art”), anyway, my point is, than our “art” is very knowledge (like all the arts in fact) and I love it a lot, but I admire the other arts. I mean, is so complex the integration of all the sense than could do the theater, or the huge travel than I could live when I see a picture, etc.
But, like shows the topic of this blog, is the music one of the arts than is going around me in this days.
All my life has been accompanied by the music, but not like this day, I mean, all the people is plugged to her/his mp3, iPod or whatever anytime in anyplace. I hate that, is handle the music, turn it in something daily, and take out the ritual than is listen music. I admit than I sometimes use those artifacts when I walk, but is far away to assimilated when it is listened and enjoy in a comfortable situation, when all our sense are focus on the melodies, silence, etc.
The last week I fell in love of a guitar player, her name is Erin McKeown, she rocks really good, her voice is so powerfully and soft at the same time, her letters are greats and...I love her. She have a jazz/blues/rock stile, a perfect combination than inspired me to play de harmonica. I find harmonica so cool because just with the air and the energy of the lungs you can obtain sounds.
I think than create music born from the contemplation, with the senses open and closed at the same time.
Well, that was what I wanted to said.
The “art” is the best thing in the life: Theater, Painting, Cinema, Literature and those “magical” activities than realize Homo Sapiens are the things that make me feel alive and more than happy. We (the physical therapist) study something called by Plutarco “perfect arts” (or maybe is just an “useful art”), anyway, my point is, than our “art” is very knowledge (like all the arts in fact) and I love it a lot, but I admire the other arts. I mean, is so complex the integration of all the sense than could do the theater, or the huge travel than I could live when I see a picture, etc.
But, like shows the topic of this blog, is the music one of the arts than is going around me in this days.
All my life has been accompanied by the music, but not like this day, I mean, all the people is plugged to her/his mp3, iPod or whatever anytime in anyplace. I hate that, is handle the music, turn it in something daily, and take out the ritual than is listen music. I admit than I sometimes use those artifacts when I walk, but is far away to assimilated when it is listened and enjoy in a comfortable situation, when all our sense are focus on the melodies, silence, etc.
The last week I fell in love of a guitar player, her name is Erin McKeown, she rocks really good, her voice is so powerfully and soft at the same time, her letters are greats and...I love her. She have a jazz/blues/rock stile, a perfect combination than inspired me to play de harmonica. I find harmonica so cool because just with the air and the energy of the lungs you can obtain sounds.
I think than create music born from the contemplation, with the senses open and closed at the same time.
Well, that was what I wanted to said.
Dealing with stress at University
Hello everyone! Today I´m going to talk about "Dealing with the stress at the university" a des-stressing topic, because the University is very stressing and talk about this help to see on perspective our misfortune, and laugh about it.
First, said that the Universidad de Chile puts too much pressure on everyone, students, teachers, etc. In fact, since the beginning – to enter to this University- it was a stressing, because the “Dear PSU” and its points were too high for our degree. But that was easy, because pass the first semester was one of the hardest thing I have lived ever (and I think than pass the first year is going to be worst); why?, well, for many reasons: we have to study a lot, there are short times for enjoy with friends and family, moreover if I came from another city, because all my family and friends are in that region, and the fact of travel takes time and energy than I could save.
So, how I get this “rhythm”?, First...enjoying this, then organizing the time for studding, for parties, for “think nothing” (ocio), for my family and friends: Do a life!. As well, a good diet, exercise and time for sleep is very very important. Sometimes forgetting the marks, because that is one of the biggest factor than stress the people; so I decided put in relevance “learn”, not only memorize and have good marks (I made sure have good marks), because that is important.
With that changes in my life, now I have a better life, I enjoy the University and I learn, always thinking in have good moments.
I hope that you have a happy life too, because this moment (university life) should be important and beautiful like every part of the life.
First, said that the Universidad de Chile puts too much pressure on everyone, students, teachers, etc. In fact, since the beginning – to enter to this University- it was a stressing, because the “Dear PSU” and its points were too high for our degree. But that was easy, because pass the first semester was one of the hardest thing I have lived ever (and I think than pass the first year is going to be worst); why?, well, for many reasons: we have to study a lot, there are short times for enjoy with friends and family, moreover if I came from another city, because all my family and friends are in that region, and the fact of travel takes time and energy than I could save.
So, how I get this “rhythm”?, First...enjoying this, then organizing the time for studding, for parties, for “think nothing” (ocio), for my family and friends: Do a life!. As well, a good diet, exercise and time for sleep is very very important. Sometimes forgetting the marks, because that is one of the biggest factor than stress the people; so I decided put in relevance “learn”, not only memorize and have good marks (I made sure have good marks), because that is important.
With that changes in my life, now I have a better life, I enjoy the University and I learn, always thinking in have good moments.
I hope that you have a happy life too, because this moment (university life) should be important and beautiful like every part of the life.
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Brain & Learning
Hello classmates; today I’m going to write about a chapter of a book than we have to read, its call "Brain & Learning"
The intention of this chapter is to uncover the myths about neurology –“neuromyths”- about learning, thinking, memory, etc. All of this focus to be apllied on education, for improves the quality of the education.
For example, in one part this chapter its talk about the lateralization of the brain, the different function of the left brain and the right brain.
This myth, for all of us know, is than the people have“left brain thinking” or “right brain thinking”; a rational, logical, analysis or an emotional, creative brain; I mean, if I have more aptitudes for math or for languages I use one part of the brain and the other not, the absence of communication of the hemispheres.
But there is a lot of investigation than said the opposite, than, for example, for the lateralization functions, like the language, is necessary both hemispheres. That communication is give by the corpus callosum, a diencephalons structure. So, we have a kind of “left or right brain thinking”, better called “left-brained” or “right-brained”, but it is always necessary the communication, the integration of the entire stimulus for the work than realized the brain.
I am very agree about this conclusion, I think than is a simplistic point of view to see or understand the brain like a machine, because is say than the human being is one of that, and the complexity of us is real, so we cant deny that.
In general I found this chapter a little simpler, but for educators I think than is good, because introduce to an important area than they need to know. However, crude simplification never is good.
Have a nice weekend
Take care
The intention of this chapter is to uncover the myths about neurology –“neuromyths”- about learning, thinking, memory, etc. All of this focus to be apllied on education, for improves the quality of the education.
For example, in one part this chapter its talk about the lateralization of the brain, the different function of the left brain and the right brain.
This myth, for all of us know, is than the people have“left brain thinking” or “right brain thinking”; a rational, logical, analysis or an emotional, creative brain; I mean, if I have more aptitudes for math or for languages I use one part of the brain and the other not, the absence of communication of the hemispheres.
But there is a lot of investigation than said the opposite, than, for example, for the lateralization functions, like the language, is necessary both hemispheres. That communication is give by the corpus callosum, a diencephalons structure. So, we have a kind of “left or right brain thinking”, better called “left-brained” or “right-brained”, but it is always necessary the communication, the integration of the entire stimulus for the work than realized the brain.
I am very agree about this conclusion, I think than is a simplistic point of view to see or understand the brain like a machine, because is say than the human being is one of that, and the complexity of us is real, so we cant deny that.
In general I found this chapter a little simpler, but for educators I think than is good, because introduce to an important area than they need to know. However, crude simplification never is good.
Have a nice weekend
Take care
Friday, 22 October 2010
Healthy Lifestyle
Hello classmates!
This time I´m going to talk you about how we can got a healthy lifestyle and how we can improve our quality of life.
In this moment - the rhythm of the society and all the obligation of a “normal” person - to have a healthy lifestyle is difficult. Why?, because a healthy lifestyle involve all the activities of a human being. Since hours of sleep, the food than he/she ate, the physical exercise...the books than he or she read!; and now, the fast-food, the instant/immediately habits domain the reality, and all those activities requires time.
But all is not lost – like the song -, little changes in our routine could radically change the metabolism and those physiological things in the person. For example: The diet, if we choose one diet rich on fruits and vegetables we are in good road, and the inevitable ¡ EXERCISE! Beside all the positive than have to the body (muscles, tendons, etc.), the exercise help to other activities, like concentration and self-esteem.
Other important thing to care about our habits is the time for sleep. We read a recently investigation than shows a reverse connection between hours of sleep and high MCI; in other words: if we don’t sleep enough, the people increase its mass.
For the physical therapist is very important have a good physical condition, and for that, we have a class of that.
For me, in the beginning it was not so good, because I am not a “sport girl”, I like more to read than run; but now, I love the sport class, is funny and I felt immediately better, flighty like a feather. And incentive to do more “healthy things”, because its feel really good do exercise.
Hope you be all right!
This time I´m going to talk you about how we can got a healthy lifestyle and how we can improve our quality of life.
In this moment - the rhythm of the society and all the obligation of a “normal” person - to have a healthy lifestyle is difficult. Why?, because a healthy lifestyle involve all the activities of a human being. Since hours of sleep, the food than he/she ate, the physical exercise...the books than he or she read!; and now, the fast-food, the instant/immediately habits domain the reality, and all those activities requires time.
But all is not lost – like the song -, little changes in our routine could radically change the metabolism and those physiological things in the person. For example: The diet, if we choose one diet rich on fruits and vegetables we are in good road, and the inevitable ¡ EXERCISE! Beside all the positive than have to the body (muscles, tendons, etc.), the exercise help to other activities, like concentration and self-esteem.
Other important thing to care about our habits is the time for sleep. We read a recently investigation than shows a reverse connection between hours of sleep and high MCI; in other words: if we don’t sleep enough, the people increase its mass.
For the physical therapist is very important have a good physical condition, and for that, we have a class of that.
For me, in the beginning it was not so good, because I am not a “sport girl”, I like more to read than run; but now, I love the sport class, is funny and I felt immediately better, flighty like a feather. And incentive to do more “healthy things”, because its feel really good do exercise.
Hope you be all right!
Saturday, 16 October 2010
My best memory of childhood
In general my memory is not very good, something very terrible because now I have to memorize a lot of things, but that is another conversation because about my pass a have a lot of memories, for that reason is very difficult to choose one the constellation of good moments about that pass called “childhood”. But now I am thinking, there is a “perfect” moment in my infancy, around 4 years old.
In my happy pinky four years old, I was living in the capital of Chile, in Santiago, because my father and my mother was working a lot, and they needed someone to help us, someone to take care of me: My grandparents. So, I lived that period of my life in “La Florida”, in the “Uberlinda and Orlando” house.
One day of that year – must be in 1995 – it was going to be a moon eclipse, and how I never was watched a moon eclipse, my mother and father organized a “camp” out, in the garden of my grandma. In the backyard of my grandma there is a big and peculiar “parrón” – of that parrón emerged a mysterious pumpkin -. So, we put blankets ans pillows down the Parrón to be confortables when the moment to experiment the natural phenomenon been able to enjoy it.
The deal: we (mother, father and daughter) was down the Parrón talking about anything, looking the stars, waiting “the show” in that starry night with a lot of yearning (at least me) to see that magic event. There was more silence than conversations, so in one of those long silences I fall asleep, because I had not strength or the late-night practice. My father (I supposed) takes me in his arms and moved to my bed. I didn’t wake up at the other day, when I realized what happened: I had lost an eclipse!
While no longer a “novelty” see eclipses, that day I imbued with the fact of amazed at events as “natural” and “supernatural” at time. Also the taste of contemplation emerges that day. Well, pleasant sensation of being among the parents.
That is my history.
In my happy pinky four years old, I was living in the capital of Chile, in Santiago, because my father and my mother was working a lot, and they needed someone to help us, someone to take care of me: My grandparents. So, I lived that period of my life in “La Florida”, in the “Uberlinda and Orlando” house.
One day of that year – must be in 1995 – it was going to be a moon eclipse, and how I never was watched a moon eclipse, my mother and father organized a “camp” out, in the garden of my grandma. In the backyard of my grandma there is a big and peculiar “parrón” – of that parrón emerged a mysterious pumpkin -. So, we put blankets ans pillows down the Parrón to be confortables when the moment to experiment the natural phenomenon been able to enjoy it.
The deal: we (mother, father and daughter) was down the Parrón talking about anything, looking the stars, waiting “the show” in that starry night with a lot of yearning (at least me) to see that magic event. There was more silence than conversations, so in one of those long silences I fall asleep, because I had not strength or the late-night practice. My father (I supposed) takes me in his arms and moved to my bed. I didn’t wake up at the other day, when I realized what happened: I had lost an eclipse!
While no longer a “novelty” see eclipses, that day I imbued with the fact of amazed at events as “natural” and “supernatural” at time. Also the taste of contemplation emerges that day. Well, pleasant sensation of being among the parents.
That is my history.
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
V i r u s
Hello comrades!
Today I will write about a boring weekend than I live 2 weeks ago. But to talk about that is necesary to go back to Monday August 16, because it is in that day which begins this tragic and sad story.
Like every morning I got up early to start the day, but since I opened one eye felt a terrible headache. I thought it would happen, so I continued as if nothing (despite the persistence of pain) and came to the university. Like every Monday of the second half we had physical education classes, an activity that could not perform. The teacher told me I had to go to SEMNDA, there I go, where I had an hour of consultation for Wednesday. It was about 4:30 and the discomfort was unbearable, so I decided to go home, where I rest and sleep. When I woke up in the morning of Tuesday I realized I could not go in the morning, so I went to college later.
It was Wednesday, and time of consultation with the doctor, Dr.Vivian. She told me I had a virus that "hovering around" and that if I took water and entertained me it was going to happen in four days at most. As a good student of health and patient I do what she said me, but equally worse, being a horrible day on Thursday. On Friday I did not go to college, it was much pain, so I slept and slept all Friday and Saturday, until I could no longer sleep. This is where the story begins, "My boring weekend":
Awakened from time to time, with horrible joint pains and headaches, the virus was attacking with everything I had a battle in my body, not in the best conditions, but still a great battle unfolded. Ingested large amounts of water with salts and other spices that my grandmother produced as heavy artillery against the invaders that circulated this "sky, sea and land." Although I refused, I had to enter in my body drugs, generating atomic bombs against being called a virus. After that, I could start eating food more regularly, which makes me notable good, so the victory over the "bug" that caused so much harm unexpected was very closed. It all ended on Sunday.
So my weekend time battles and delusions caused by pathogens not let me go to my house to Viña del Mar.
(Would not happen again)
I wish you good . . . exelent Health!
Today I will write about a boring weekend than I live 2 weeks ago. But to talk about that is necesary to go back to Monday August 16, because it is in that day which begins this tragic and sad story.
Like every morning I got up early to start the day, but since I opened one eye felt a terrible headache. I thought it would happen, so I continued as if nothing (despite the persistence of pain) and came to the university. Like every Monday of the second half we had physical education classes, an activity that could not perform. The teacher told me I had to go to SEMNDA, there I go, where I had an hour of consultation for Wednesday. It was about 4:30 and the discomfort was unbearable, so I decided to go home, where I rest and sleep. When I woke up in the morning of Tuesday I realized I could not go in the morning, so I went to college later.
It was Wednesday, and time of consultation with the doctor, Dr.Vivian. She told me I had a virus that "hovering around" and that if I took water and entertained me it was going to happen in four days at most. As a good student of health and patient I do what she said me, but equally worse, being a horrible day on Thursday. On Friday I did not go to college, it was much pain, so I slept and slept all Friday and Saturday, until I could no longer sleep. This is where the story begins, "My boring weekend":
Awakened from time to time, with horrible joint pains and headaches, the virus was attacking with everything I had a battle in my body, not in the best conditions, but still a great battle unfolded. Ingested large amounts of water with salts and other spices that my grandmother produced as heavy artillery against the invaders that circulated this "sky, sea and land." Although I refused, I had to enter in my body drugs, generating atomic bombs against being called a virus. After that, I could start eating food more regularly, which makes me notable good, so the victory over the "bug" that caused so much harm unexpected was very closed. It all ended on Sunday.
So my weekend time battles and delusions caused by pathogens not let me go to my house to Viña del Mar.
(Would not happen again)
I wish you good . . . exelent Health!
Friday, 9 July 2010
My Experience like a B l o g g e r
Hello classmate!
Today, in the blog, is time to talk about The Blog!
In the begging of this semester appear a lot of classes, I face the University, and between them English classes with the Blog. In that moment I think than that could be a horrible thing, I mean: write in English! It was something very difficult for me write in other Languaje. That happened, but things start to changes every session.
I arrived to this English class with a medium level of English, I mean, I could understand people talking in English and english texts; in the other aspects I was not very good. But with the Blog I could get better my writing english; I think than I improve a lot, writing more than one or two hundred coherents words. Beside, is very funny write anythig related with other stuffs beside the University demands and read other points of view, of my physical therapist classemates and the girls of Obstetrics. That is a other positive aspect of English class, could related with other people. Although I know than I need to learn a lot of English if I want to realize some plans than I have (live a time of my life in England),this is a good start; is an advantage than I got with this classes. But everything was not "pink color", a lot of days I was so tired or stress than I couldn`t thoght nothing more than sleep or study for the other day, that was a disvantage: Than I have to dedicate time for this clase; time and energy, because to write in English is necessary to think more than in Spanish.
In the end, adding advantages with disvantages, I could say than I got a positive number.
Wish you a good weekend!
Today, in the blog, is time to talk about The Blog!
In the begging of this semester appear a lot of classes, I face the University, and between them English classes with the Blog. In that moment I think than that could be a horrible thing, I mean: write in English! It was something very difficult for me write in other Languaje. That happened, but things start to changes every session.
I arrived to this English class with a medium level of English, I mean, I could understand people talking in English and english texts; in the other aspects I was not very good. But with the Blog I could get better my writing english; I think than I improve a lot, writing more than one or two hundred coherents words. Beside, is very funny write anythig related with other stuffs beside the University demands and read other points of view, of my physical therapist classemates and the girls of Obstetrics. That is a other positive aspect of English class, could related with other people. Although I know than I need to learn a lot of English if I want to realize some plans than I have (live a time of my life in England),this is a good start; is an advantage than I got with this classes. But everything was not "pink color", a lot of days I was so tired or stress than I couldn`t thoght nothing more than sleep or study for the other day, that was a disvantage: Than I have to dedicate time for this clase; time and energy, because to write in English is necessary to think more than in Spanish.
In the end, adding advantages with disvantages, I could say than I got a positive number.
Wish you a good weekend!
Friday, 2 July 2010
Hello and good afternoon classmates, today I am going to talk about my "Ideal Job".
Like the other blogs this is a difficult topic, because I am interesting in different areas of the human develoment, like humanistic,...even cooker; in fact, in one time of my life, I will be a baker or a pastry cook. But I still think than is a very difficult topic because is a over view to the future, because now I am a student and I am descovering this career, the physical therapy.
I know than in a moment of my life I will work on hospitals, clinics and practices like a physical therapist, and I will work with all my heart in those medical centers. I wish work in differents countrys or cityes during that stage of my life, because, in that way, I could know a diversity of people and cultures than would rich me in every point of view, because in every different places the problems of the people isn`t tha same, and that demands more knowledge.
I wil love work, for example, in Chiloé, Mexico or....in England! It doesn`t matter to me very much wich place, as long as in not always tha same.
That kind of life (I hope realize) allows me to not have ties with bosses or that kind of things. Of corse I will love to have a good laboral atmosphere.
But that won`t be enough. I have a "secret ideal job", a utopian job: Pay me for study.
I know than is a very strabge thing, but I love to learn
I hope you will be all right
Like the other blogs this is a difficult topic, because I am interesting in different areas of the human develoment, like humanistic,...even cooker; in fact, in one time of my life, I will be a baker or a pastry cook. But I still think than is a very difficult topic because is a over view to the future, because now I am a student and I am descovering this career, the physical therapy.
I know than in a moment of my life I will work on hospitals, clinics and practices like a physical therapist, and I will work with all my heart in those medical centers. I wish work in differents countrys or cityes during that stage of my life, because, in that way, I could know a diversity of people and cultures than would rich me in every point of view, because in every different places the problems of the people isn`t tha same, and that demands more knowledge.
I wil love work, for example, in Chiloé, Mexico or....in England! It doesn`t matter to me very much wich place, as long as in not always tha same.
That kind of life (I hope realize) allows me to not have ties with bosses or that kind of things. Of corse I will love to have a good laboral atmosphere.
But that won`t be enough. I have a "secret ideal job", a utopian job: Pay me for study.
I know than is a very strabge thing, but I love to learn
I hope you will be all right
Friday, 18 June 2010
P i c t u r e

Today we have to talk about our favourite picture.
First I have to decide wich is my favourtite picture, something very hard, because every day, in every different mood changes; just like music.
It comes to my mind pictures like "Le Petit Prince", or some with my friends, even pictures of great artist,but know I am thinking, there is, in my mind, a particular picture: the special one.
The picture is when I was a little girl. Is me, very similing, maby because my father took it and he was telling something sweet.
The history of the photography is not very clear for me, but some thing I can remember: I could have been in Valparaíso or Santiago, because my father is from Santiago, and my Mother from Valpo; I think than is in Valparaíso, because when they were a coupel, they lived in Valparaíso, in a beatifull hose in "C° Mariposa".
Is a black/white photography, taken by a Zenit camera, a USSR camera than now is mine, but in those times my father was the owner.
I was like four years old, even less. And I was wearing a very "chic cool groovey" hair cut, maked by my fathers hands; and I`m naked! because my parents were hippies and they loved that I would in that free state.
Why I love it?, because I am very happy, and the situation of my family, in those times, was beatifull. And the hair cut is great! A beatle hair cut ♥ .
And...that is a part of the history.
Hope you be all right.
Friday, 11 June 2010
Educa tion
Hello classmates, today's topic is about education.
This is such a broad topic such as health, in fact intermingle, so is not in vain to talk about education for our future profession.
Education is found in every moment of human life, since our mother says, "do not do this, you have to do this other" to what happens inside our university. All together, it is determined the individual's education to the person, why is that poor education is so fatal, limits the growth of the person, just because not having money.
Education in this country is abysmal, and the reason is as dirty as what happens in the classrooms of high schools and colleges in general.
My life education (not the “house education”) it was not good in the sense of knowledge that it should be known after school, but I had a happy school life: I was taught to be happy, which, In my point of view, is crucial in the development of children.
Now, I am studying in a "connotes" college, which supposedly are the best teachers and best students, which of course doesn’t happen. Many people, attitudes that are unrelated to what I consider as "good education." There are exceptions, teachers with vocation, but others don’t. Too bad.
Returning to the theme of the magnitude of education in our career: this is because we, future health professionals, we seek to heal and educate at the same time, or at least I pretend that, because I don’t believe heal only for physically problems, I think I can influence as much as possible in person. Acting on the physical damage and damage given by the society, social injustice and inequality.
That’s some things I thought about this topic.
Hope you be all right.
This is such a broad topic such as health, in fact intermingle, so is not in vain to talk about education for our future profession.
Education is found in every moment of human life, since our mother says, "do not do this, you have to do this other" to what happens inside our university. All together, it is determined the individual's education to the person, why is that poor education is so fatal, limits the growth of the person, just because not having money.
Education in this country is abysmal, and the reason is as dirty as what happens in the classrooms of high schools and colleges in general.
My life education (not the “house education”) it was not good in the sense of knowledge that it should be known after school, but I had a happy school life: I was taught to be happy, which, In my point of view, is crucial in the development of children.
Now, I am studying in a "connotes" college, which supposedly are the best teachers and best students, which of course doesn’t happen. Many people, attitudes that are unrelated to what I consider as "good education." There are exceptions, teachers with vocation, but others don’t. Too bad.
Returning to the theme of the magnitude of education in our career: this is because we, future health professionals, we seek to heal and educate at the same time, or at least I pretend that, because I don’t believe heal only for physically problems, I think I can influence as much as possible in person. Acting on the physical damage and damage given by the society, social injustice and inequality.
That’s some things I thought about this topic.
Hope you be all right.
Friday, 4 June 2010
Stereotypes in the faculty
We creat stereotypes like we create idiot ideas in the day.
The stereotypes are something very commun in the human being. They help us for live better, because their simplify the society.
In our faculty there are a lot of stereotypes:
The "Terapia Ocupacional" are a very hippie people. They are in a beautifull campus, with a lot of green areas, peace and love; very different of our faculty, the physical therapist. We have a clear stereotype: The guys are good for sports, and the girls too. But in fact, that is not true, I don`t do any sport, and in other careers are people much better for sports than in mine.
Other kind of stereotypes are the Obstetric GUYS!, they don`t have a clear sexuality. And the Obstetric Girls, are crazy girls.
And, how can I forget it?!, the medicine blond boy and girl, the "pelolais" snob people.
As we have stereotypes assigned for careers, there are A LOT without it. Walking through the corridors of the faculty we find: "metaleros", "góticos", "emos", "ñoños" and a jungle of diversity and alternative people.
In personal, I really dislike the idea of stereotype. I laught a lot with them, but I think their damage and standardize people. In fact, some people like to be part of one group, part of something than take off your special feature!, HORROR!
But that is the human being expresing all the imagination.
Well, I have to say good bye, I am very tired, I just slept one hour in the night, and my brain is not funtional now.
Excuse my incoherence.
Have a nice weekend!!!
Bye (:
The stereotypes are something very commun in the human being. They help us for live better, because their simplify the society.
In our faculty there are a lot of stereotypes:
The "Terapia Ocupacional" are a very hippie people. They are in a beautifull campus, with a lot of green areas, peace and love; very different of our faculty, the physical therapist. We have a clear stereotype: The guys are good for sports, and the girls too. But in fact, that is not true, I don`t do any sport, and in other careers are people much better for sports than in mine.
Other kind of stereotypes are the Obstetric GUYS!, they don`t have a clear sexuality. And the Obstetric Girls, are crazy girls.
And, how can I forget it?!, the medicine blond boy and girl, the "pelolais" snob people.
As we have stereotypes assigned for careers, there are A LOT without it. Walking through the corridors of the faculty we find: "metaleros", "góticos", "emos", "ñoños" and a jungle of diversity and alternative people.
In personal, I really dislike the idea of stereotype. I laught a lot with them, but I think their damage and standardize people. In fact, some people like to be part of one group, part of something than take off your special feature!, HORROR!
But that is the human being expresing all the imagination.
Well, I have to say good bye, I am very tired, I just slept one hour in the night, and my brain is not funtional now.
Excuse my incoherence.
Have a nice weekend!!!
Bye (:
Friday, 7 May 2010
I wake up every morning, go to University, left the University, get back home, take some tea, study and then go to sleep. Every single day, from Mondey to Friday.
But some times I take a free time and watch some TV series in my PC; that`s one of my favourites page of the web : www.seriesdetvgratis.com .
I knew this web site when my free time start to dessapear; that happened the last year when I have school and preU. A friend of mine show me the website and I fell in love immediately.
In www.seriesdetvgratis.com you can watch a lot of kind of series, since "Gossip Girls", from Anime. In that web site I watch "Dr. House", "Glee", "The Big Bang Theory" and if life alows me some Anime. That`s not happen frequently, but if it happen...those magical minutes are gold for me.
How I told you in the beginning, the last year I started to have less free time. In that moment I was addicted to Dr.House, and when I couldn`t get to home at the time of the transmition I get so sad :( I loosed the end of the last season!!! D:
But god was good with me and iluminated a road for me. I could watch, when PSU matters end, all the things I had loosed and some new things.
I hope you visite the web, because is very good, fast, without virus and that style of things.
In fact, better no; cos that`s means that you don`t have free time to watch TV when you like.
But some times I take a free time and watch some TV series in my PC; that`s one of my favourites page of the web : www.seriesdetvgratis.com .
I knew this web site when my free time start to dessapear; that happened the last year when I have school and preU. A friend of mine show me the website and I fell in love immediately.
In www.seriesdetvgratis.com you can watch a lot of kind of series, since "Gossip Girls", from Anime. In that web site I watch "Dr. House", "Glee", "The Big Bang Theory" and if life alows me some Anime. That`s not happen frequently, but if it happen...those magical minutes are gold for me.
How I told you in the beginning, the last year I started to have less free time. In that moment I was addicted to Dr.House, and when I couldn`t get to home at the time of the transmition I get so sad :( I loosed the end of the last season!!! D:
But god was good with me and iluminated a road for me. I could watch, when PSU matters end, all the things I had loosed and some new things.
I hope you visite the web, because is very good, fast, without virus and that style of things.
In fact, better no; cos that`s means that you don`t have free time to watch TV when you like.
Friday, 30 April 2010
E a r t h q u a k e
It was like 3.34 am, the daybreak of 27th feubrary, when the earth start to shake.
I was in my home, in Viña del Mar, when a friend called me to invited me to go out to chill out in Valparaíso; obviusly I said yes to her, it was Friday night and I haven`t got anything to do, so had dressed up, picked up my cellphone, some money and...I was all ready!. But my dear mam was having a very good meeting with their university friends in home (she is doing her PhD in philosophy, and she have some beatifull classmates) so my enthusiasm to get out disappear (to going out and chill out can do every day) and I stayed in home.
It was like the middle of the night and the friends of my mam left out. So we get to bed.
I was sleeping so sweetly and the bed started to move very strange! A earthquake was happening! And lucky me my building doesn`t fell down and those horrible things that happened.
So, all my close people was a safe, for that reason I felt the responsability to do something: I went out to collect groceries, donate blood and that kind of things in my region, cause in Valparaíso there were a lot of old buildings did not withstand the earthquake. I didn`t get out to help alone, I went with some friends; in fact, the same friend who called me the night before earthquake, came with me.
In all those day I learn a lot of things, for example: the TV lies a lot, the people isn`t so bad as we belive and have a half liter less is very strange.
I felt fear; the power of the earth is bigger than we thought. The earth is alive :)
I was in my home, in Viña del Mar, when a friend called me to invited me to go out to chill out in Valparaíso; obviusly I said yes to her, it was Friday night and I haven`t got anything to do, so had dressed up, picked up my cellphone, some money and...I was all ready!. But my dear mam was having a very good meeting with their university friends in home (she is doing her PhD in philosophy, and she have some beatifull classmates) so my enthusiasm to get out disappear (to going out and chill out can do every day) and I stayed in home.
It was like the middle of the night and the friends of my mam left out. So we get to bed.
I was sleeping so sweetly and the bed started to move very strange! A earthquake was happening! And lucky me my building doesn`t fell down and those horrible things that happened.
So, all my close people was a safe, for that reason I felt the responsability to do something: I went out to collect groceries, donate blood and that kind of things in my region, cause in Valparaíso there were a lot of old buildings did not withstand the earthquake. I didn`t get out to help alone, I went with some friends; in fact, the same friend who called me the night before earthquake, came with me.
In all those day I learn a lot of things, for example: the TV lies a lot, the people isn`t so bad as we belive and have a half liter less is very strange.
I felt fear; the power of the earth is bigger than we thought. The earth is alive :)
Friday, 23 April 2010
My Profession
Well...now I am studing physical therapy, why? I really don`t know clearly.
The reason of why I am here is because one part of me likes help people and trie to make them happy; and it is very linked of what I wish to learn after end my carreer: I will love to learn acupuncture. I think than is so beatifull to have the posibilite of help (in all the human aspects) a person, without any agresive act ( how I think is the surgery), its look like magic; and that is the topic of the physical terapy: with exercies, phisiology tecniques and those kind of things get them back to their daily life. Always having a good conversation with the person who are you dealing.
I feel I have too much to give to the country and the nation, because I saw it and its looks like so ill than is so hypocrtie do nothing! And if I have the posibilite to have a house, food and money to educate me, is so selfish never trie to do something to change this...world?
I hope learn a lot to be a really good person, thats mean, a very good physical therapy. So ...that why I`m here, in the "Universidad de Chile", looking up the best education to grow up in many fields; wishing past all the exams and that kind of things, but always learnig.
I hope you like my post.
Be happy!
The reason of why I am here is because one part of me likes help people and trie to make them happy; and it is very linked of what I wish to learn after end my carreer: I will love to learn acupuncture. I think than is so beatifull to have the posibilite of help (in all the human aspects) a person, without any agresive act ( how I think is the surgery), its look like magic; and that is the topic of the physical terapy: with exercies, phisiology tecniques and those kind of things get them back to their daily life. Always having a good conversation with the person who are you dealing.
I feel I have too much to give to the country and the nation, because I saw it and its looks like so ill than is so hypocrtie do nothing! And if I have the posibilite to have a house, food and money to educate me, is so selfish never trie to do something to change this...world?
I hope learn a lot to be a really good person, thats mean, a very good physical therapy. So ...that why I`m here, in the "Universidad de Chile", looking up the best education to grow up in many fields; wishing past all the exams and that kind of things, but always learnig.
I hope you like my post.
Be happy!
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Friday, 16 April 2010
My name is Gabriela Adriana Vargas, I`m from viña del mar and now I`m studing physical therapy in the "Universidad de Chile".
What can I tell you.....I like listen music, read books, sleep and have good dreams. Also I LOVE blue color; in fact I had my hair of that color (it was so cool).
Now, when I can sleep, I woke up and I don`t remember my dreams, so....I miss my strange and very funny dreams.
In this exactly moment I`m very tired...that remembers me a very good song, that I will link later.
With this blogg I hope than my writing skills get better and have some fun.
In my vacations I went to the south of Chile; y went with Celeste (she is a very good friend) "mochileando" to "Chiloé". I really love the south of Chile and travell.
Now I have go.
Have a good day
Have a good life
See you!
My name is Gabriela Adriana Vargas, I`m from viña del mar and now I`m studing physical therapy in the "Universidad de Chile".
What can I tell you.....I like listen music, read books, sleep and have good dreams. Also I LOVE blue color; in fact I had my hair of that color (it was so cool).
Now, when I can sleep, I woke up and I don`t remember my dreams, so....I miss my strange and very funny dreams.
In this exactly moment I`m very tired...that remembers me a very good song, that I will link later.
With this blogg I hope than my writing skills get better and have some fun.
In my vacations I went to the south of Chile; y went with Celeste (she is a very good friend) "mochileando" to "Chiloé". I really love the south of Chile and travell.
Now I have go.
Have a good day
Have a good life
See you!
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