Wednesday, 3 November 2010

M u s i c

Hello everyone, today I´m going to talk about one of the beautiful, great, marvellous expressions of the human being: the music.

The “art” is the best thing in the life: Theater, Painting, Cinema, Literature and those “magical” activities than realize Homo Sapiens are the things that make me feel alive and more than happy. We (the physical therapist) study something called by Plutarco “perfect arts” (or maybe is just an “useful art”), anyway, my point is, than our “art” is very knowledge (like all the arts in fact) and I love it a lot, but I admire the other arts. I mean, is so complex the integration of all the sense than could do the theater, or the huge travel than I could live when I see a picture, etc.

But, like shows the topic of this blog, is the music one of the arts than is going around me in this days.
All my life has been accompanied by the music, but not like this day, I mean, all the people is plugged to her/his mp3, iPod or whatever anytime in anyplace. I hate that, is handle the music, turn it in something daily, and take out the ritual than is listen music. I admit than I sometimes use those artifacts when I walk, but is far away to assimilated when it is listened and enjoy in a comfortable situation, when all our sense are focus on the melodies, silence, etc.

The last week I fell in love of a guitar player, her name is Erin McKeown, she rocks really good, her voice is so powerfully and soft at the same time, her letters are greats and...I love her. She have a jazz/blues/rock stile, a perfect combination than inspired me to play de harmonica. I find harmonica so cool because just with the air and the energy of the lungs you can obtain sounds.
I think than create music born from the contemplation, with the senses open and closed at the same time.

Well, that was what I wanted to said.



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