Friday, 2 July 2010


Hello and good afternoon classmates, today I am going to talk about my "Ideal Job".

Like the other blogs this is a difficult topic, because I am interesting in different areas of the human develoment, like humanistic,...even cooker; in fact, in one time of my life, I will be a baker or a pastry cook. But I still think than is a very difficult topic because is a over view to the future, because now I am a student and I am descovering this career, the physical therapy.

I know than in a moment of my life I will work on hospitals, clinics and practices like a physical therapist, and I will work with all my heart in those medical centers. I wish work in differents countrys or cityes during that stage of my life, because, in that way, I could know a diversity of people and cultures than would rich me in every point of view, because in every different places the problems of the people isn`t tha same, and that demands more knowledge.
I wil love work, for example, in Chiloé, Mexico England! It doesn`t matter to me very much wich place, as long as in not always tha same.
That kind of life (I hope realize) allows me to not have ties with bosses or that kind of things. Of corse I will love to have a good laboral atmosphere.

But that won`t be enough. I have a "secret ideal job", a utopian job: Pay me for study.
I know than is a very strabge thing, but I love to learn

I hope you will be all right



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