Thursday, 28 October 2010

Brain & Learning

Hello classmates; today I’m going to write about a chapter of a book than we have to read, its call "Brain & Learning"

The intention of this chapter is to uncover the myths about neurology –“neuromyths”- about learning, thinking, memory, etc. All of this focus to be apllied on education, for improves the quality of the education.

For example, in one part this chapter its talk about the lateralization of the brain, the different function of the left brain and the right brain.
This myth, for all of us know, is than the people have“left brain thinking” or “right brain thinking”; a rational, logical, analysis or an emotional, creative brain; I mean, if I have more aptitudes for math or for languages I use one part of the brain and the other not, the absence of communication of the hemispheres.
But there is a lot of investigation than said the opposite, than, for example, for the lateralization functions, like the language, is necessary both hemispheres. That communication is give by the corpus callosum, a diencephalons structure. So, we have a kind of “left or right brain thinking”, better called “left-brained” or “right-brained”, but it is always necessary the communication, the integration of the entire stimulus for the work than realized the brain.

I am very agree about this conclusion, I think than is a simplistic point of view to see or understand the brain like a machine, because is say than the human being is one of that, and the complexity of us is real, so we cant deny that.

In general I found this chapter a little simpler, but for educators I think than is good, because introduce to an important area than they need to know. However, crude simplification never is good.

Have a nice weekend
Take care


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