Sunday, 7 November 2010


Hello classmates! Today I´m going to talk about the language, because is something we use everyday and for that reason sometimes we forget the importance and poetry that it have.

Some philosophers or linguistics think than the human being always communicates, and the way to do it is throw the language. About that, sometimes I think than is wrong, other´s I think than is right; why is so changing my opinion? Well, because that affirmation has a contradiction or better a fallacy than I can show asking: Is always the language communicate?
I try to analyze that and really I don’t have a conclusion, but I can said than not only the words can communicate, the gestures, gazes, silences, movements, could say more than words. Even sounds or noise. And that is a problematic for a lot of disciplines, the absence of words for a lot of ideas.
In that point of my reflection, when I notice than there are a lot of ideas than we can’t communicate I think than is impossible to communicate always, all the time.

Now, about the beauty and “im-/perfection” of the language is the poetry, the possibility to say more than the word can say by itself. Is like to squeeze the word, take off all it have, and go through the mind of the reader.
And when the poetry is not enough to explain, we can invent words. Some people think than is prohibit for the “simple mortals”; I can’t be more in disagree with that. Say that is like stratify the intelligence, creative and imagination of the people, I think we can do that all the time we want and can, enjoy the possibility to create new ideas or point of views in an immaterial way.
To create words or just educate about the language is always useful see the “history” or etiology of the word, when we do that we can understand a lot of process of the knowledge or perception of the reality of the human being.

To end, I will like to say my favorite word: “Ineffable”


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