Wednesday, 1 September 2010

V i r u s

Hello comrades!
Today I will write about a boring weekend than I live 2 weeks ago. But to talk about that is necesary to go back to Monday August 16, because it is in that day which begins this tragic and sad story.
Like every morning I got up early to start the day, but since I opened one eye felt a terrible headache. I thought it would happen, so I continued as if nothing (despite the persistence of pain) and came to the university. Like every Monday of the second half we had physical education classes, an activity that could not perform. The teacher told me I had to go to SEMNDA, there I go, where I had an hour of consultation for Wednesday. It was about 4:30 and the discomfort was unbearable, so I decided to go home, where I rest and sleep. When I woke up in the morning of Tuesday I realized I could not go in the morning, so I went to college later.
It was Wednesday, and time of consultation with the doctor, Dr.Vivian. She told me I had a virus that "hovering around" and that if I took water and entertained me it was going to happen in four days at most. As a good student of health and patient I do what she said me, but equally worse, being a horrible day on Thursday. On Friday I did not go to college, it was much pain, so I slept and slept all Friday and Saturday, until I could no longer sleep. This is where the story begins, "My boring weekend":
Awakened from time to time, with horrible joint pains and headaches, the virus was attacking with everything I had a battle in my body, not in the best conditions, but still a great battle unfolded. Ingested large amounts of water with salts and other spices that my grandmother produced as heavy artillery against the invaders that circulated this "sky, sea and land." Although I refused, I had to enter in my body drugs, generating atomic bombs against being called a virus. After that, I could start eating food more regularly, which makes me notable good, so the victory over the "bug" that caused so much harm unexpected was very closed. It all ended on Sunday.
So my weekend time battles and delusions caused by pathogens not let me go to my house to Viña del Mar.
(Would not happen again)
I wish you good . . . exelent Health!



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