Friday, 23 April 2010

My Profession I am studing physical therapy, why? I really don`t know clearly.

The reason of why I am here is because one part of me likes help people and trie to make them happy; and it is very linked of what I wish to learn after end my carreer: I will love to learn acupuncture. I think than is so beatifull to have the posibilite of help (in all the human aspects) a person, without any agresive act ( how I think is the surgery), its look like magic; and that is the topic of the physical terapy: with exercies, phisiology tecniques and those kind of things get them back to their daily life. Always having a good conversation with the person who are you dealing.
I feel I have too much to give to the country and the nation, because I saw it and its looks like so ill than is so hypocrtie do nothing! And if I have the posibilite to have a house, food and money to educate me, is so selfish never trie to do something to change
I hope learn a lot to be a really good person, thats mean, a very good physical therapy. So ...that why I`m here, in the "Universidad de Chile", looking up the best education to grow up in many fields; wishing past all the exams and that kind of things, but always learnig.

I hope you like my post.
Be happy!



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