Thursday, 28 October 2010

Brain & Learning

Hello classmates; today I’m going to write about a chapter of a book than we have to read, its call "Brain & Learning"

The intention of this chapter is to uncover the myths about neurology –“neuromyths”- about learning, thinking, memory, etc. All of this focus to be apllied on education, for improves the quality of the education.

For example, in one part this chapter its talk about the lateralization of the brain, the different function of the left brain and the right brain.
This myth, for all of us know, is than the people have“left brain thinking” or “right brain thinking”; a rational, logical, analysis or an emotional, creative brain; I mean, if I have more aptitudes for math or for languages I use one part of the brain and the other not, the absence of communication of the hemispheres.
But there is a lot of investigation than said the opposite, than, for example, for the lateralization functions, like the language, is necessary both hemispheres. That communication is give by the corpus callosum, a diencephalons structure. So, we have a kind of “left or right brain thinking”, better called “left-brained” or “right-brained”, but it is always necessary the communication, the integration of the entire stimulus for the work than realized the brain.

I am very agree about this conclusion, I think than is a simplistic point of view to see or understand the brain like a machine, because is say than the human being is one of that, and the complexity of us is real, so we cant deny that.

In general I found this chapter a little simpler, but for educators I think than is good, because introduce to an important area than they need to know. However, crude simplification never is good.

Have a nice weekend
Take care

Friday, 22 October 2010

Healthy Lifestyle

Hello classmates!

This time I´m going to talk you about how we can got a healthy lifestyle and how we can improve our quality of life.

In this moment - the rhythm of the society and all the obligation of a “normal” person - to have a healthy lifestyle is difficult. Why?, because a healthy lifestyle involve all the activities of a human being. Since hours of sleep, the food than he/she ate, the physical exercise...the books than he or she read!; and now, the fast-food, the instant/immediately habits domain the reality, and all those activities requires time.
But all is not lost – like the song -, little changes in our routine could radically change the metabolism and those physiological things in the person. For example: The diet, if we choose one diet rich on fruits and vegetables we are in good road, and the inevitable ¡ EXERCISE! Beside all the positive than have to the body (muscles, tendons, etc.), the exercise help to other activities, like concentration and self-esteem.
Other important thing to care about our habits is the time for sleep. We read a recently investigation than shows a reverse connection between hours of sleep and high MCI; in other words: if we don’t sleep enough, the people increase its mass.

For the physical therapist is very important have a good physical condition, and for that, we have a class of that.
For me, in the beginning it was not so good, because I am not a “sport girl”, I like more to read than run; but now, I love the sport class, is funny and I felt immediately better, flighty like a feather. And incentive to do more “healthy things”, because its feel really good do exercise.

Hope you be all right!


Saturday, 16 October 2010

My best memory of childhood

In general my memory is not very good, something very terrible because now I have to memorize a lot of things, but that is another conversation because about my pass a have a lot of memories, for that reason is very difficult to choose one the constellation of good moments about that pass called “childhood”. But now I am thinking, there is a “perfect” moment in my infancy, around 4 years old.

In my happy pinky four years old, I was living in the capital of Chile, in Santiago, because my father and my mother was working a lot, and they needed someone to help us, someone to take care of me: My grandparents. So, I lived that period of my life in “La Florida”, in the “Uberlinda and Orlando” house.

One day of that year – must be in 1995 – it was going to be a moon eclipse, and how I never was watched a moon eclipse, my mother and father organized a “camp” out, in the garden of my grandma. In the backyard of my grandma there is a big and peculiar “parrón” – of that parrón emerged a mysterious pumpkin -. So, we put blankets ans pillows down the Parrón to be confortables when the moment to experiment the natural phenomenon been able to enjoy it.

The deal: we (mother, father and daughter) was down the Parrón talking about anything, looking the stars, waiting “the show” in that starry night with a lot of yearning (at least me) to see that magic event. There was more silence than conversations, so in one of those long silences I fall asleep, because I had not strength or the late-night practice. My father (I supposed) takes me in his arms and moved to my bed. I didn’t wake up at the other day, when I realized what happened: I had lost an eclipse!

While no longer a “novelty” see eclipses, that day I imbued with the fact of amazed at events as “natural” and “supernatural” at time. Also the taste of contemplation emerges that day. Well, pleasant sensation of being among the parents.

That is my history.
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