Friday, 30 April 2010

E a r t h q u a k e

It was like 3.34 am, the daybreak of 27th feubrary, when the earth start to shake.

I was in my home, in Viña del Mar, when a friend called me to invited me to go out to chill out in Valparaíso; obviusly I said yes to her, it was Friday night and I haven`t got anything to do, so had dressed up, picked up my cellphone, some money and...I was all ready!. But my dear mam was having a very good meeting with their university friends in home (she is doing her PhD in philosophy, and she have some beatifull classmates) so my enthusiasm to get out disappear (to going out and chill out can do every day) and I stayed in home.
It was like the middle of the night and the friends of my mam left out. So we get to bed.
I was sleeping so sweetly and the bed started to move very strange! A earthquake was happening! And lucky me my building doesn`t fell down and those horrible things that happened.

So, all my close people was a safe, for that reason I felt the responsability to do something: I went out to collect groceries, donate blood and that kind of things in my region, cause in Valparaíso there were a lot of old buildings did not withstand the earthquake. I didn`t get out to help alone, I went with some friends; in fact, the same friend who called me the night before earthquake, came with me.

In all those day I learn a lot of things, for example: the TV lies a lot, the people isn`t so bad as we belive and have a half liter less is very strange.

I felt fear; the power of the earth is bigger than we thought. The earth is alive :)



Miss said...

It was like 3.34 am, the daybreak of 27th CAPS feubrary, when the earth TENSE start to shake.

I was in my home, in Viña del Mar, when a friend called me to invited me to go out to chill out in Valparaíso; obviusly I said yes to her, it was Friday night and I haven`t got anything to do, so had dressed up, picked up my cellphone, some money and...I was all ready!. But my dear mam was having a very good meeting with their university friends in home (she is doing her PhD in philosophy, and she SVA have some SP beatifull classmates) so my enthusiasm to get out disappear (to going out and chill out can do every day) and I stayed in home.
It was like the middle of the night and the friends of my SP mam left out. So we TENSE get to bed.
I was sleeping so sweetly and the bed started to move very strange! A earthquake was happening! And lucky me my building TENSE doesn`t fell down and those horrible things that happened.

So, all my close people was a safe, for that reason I felt the responsability to do something: I went out to collect groceries, donate blood and that kind of things in my region, cause in Valparaíso there were a lot of old buildings did not withstand the earthquake. I didn`t get out to help alone, I went with some friends; in fact, the same friend who called me the night before earthquake, came with me.

In all those WF day I TENSE learn a lot of things, for example: the TV lies a lot, the people SVA isn`t so bad as we belive and have a half

? liter less is very strange.

I felt fear; the power of the earth is bigger than we thought. The earth is alive :)


it´s alive!!!
well done!

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