Friday, 18 June 2010

P i c t u r e

Today we have to talk about our favourite picture.
First I have to decide wich is my favourtite picture, something very hard, because every day, in every different mood changes; just like music.
It comes to my mind pictures like "Le Petit Prince", or some with my friends, even pictures of great artist,but know I am thinking, there is, in my mind, a particular picture: the special one.
The picture is when I was a little girl. Is me, very similing, maby because my father took it and he was telling something sweet.
The history of the photography is not very clear for me, but some thing I can remember: I could have been in Valparaíso or Santiago, because my father is from Santiago, and my Mother from Valpo; I think than is in Valparaíso, because when they were a coupel, they lived in Valparaíso, in a beatifull hose in "C° Mariposa".
Is a black/white photography, taken by a Zenit camera, a USSR camera than now is mine, but in those times my father was the owner.
I was like four years old, even less. And I was wearing a very "chic cool groovey" hair cut, maked by my fathers hands; and I`m naked! because my parents were hippies and they loved that I would in that free state.

Why I love it?, because I am very happy, and the situation of my family, in those times, was beatifull. And the hair cut is great! A beatle hair cut ♥ .

And...that is a part of the history.

Hope you be all right.


Friday, 11 June 2010

Biology and Psicodelia

Educa tion

Hello classmates, today's topic is about education.
This is such a broad topic such as health, in fact intermingle, so is not in vain to talk about education for our future profession.

Education is found in every moment of human life, since our mother says, "do not do this, you have to do this other" to what happens inside our university. All together, it is determined the individual's education to the person, why is that poor education is so fatal, limits the growth of the person, just because not having money.
Education in this country is abysmal, and the reason is as dirty as what happens in the classrooms of high schools and colleges in general.
My life education (not the “house education”) it was not good in the sense of knowledge that it should be known after school, but I had a happy school life: I was taught to be happy, which, In my point of view, is crucial in the development of children.
Now, I am studying in a "connotes" college, which supposedly are the best teachers and best students, which of course doesn’t happen. Many people, attitudes that are unrelated to what I consider as "good education." There are exceptions, teachers with vocation, but others don’t. Too bad.

Returning to the theme of the magnitude of education in our career: this is because we, future health professionals, we seek to heal and educate at the same time, or at least I pretend that, because I don’t believe heal only for physically problems, I think I can influence as much as possible in person. Acting on the physical damage and damage given by the society, social injustice and inequality.
That’s some things I thought about this topic.
Hope you be all right.

Friday, 4 June 2010

Stereotypes in the faculty

We creat stereotypes like we create idiot ideas in the day.
The stereotypes are something very commun in the human being. They help us for live better, because their simplify the society.
In our faculty there are a lot of stereotypes:
The "Terapia Ocupacional" are a very hippie people. They are in a beautifull campus, with a lot of green areas, peace and love; very different of our faculty, the physical therapist. We have a clear stereotype: The guys are good for sports, and the girls too. But in fact, that is not true, I don`t do any sport, and in other careers are people much better for sports than in mine.
Other kind of stereotypes are the Obstetric GUYS!, they don`t have a clear sexuality. And the Obstetric Girls, are crazy girls.
And, how can I forget it?!, the medicine blond boy and girl, the "pelolais" snob people.
As we have stereotypes assigned for careers, there are A LOT without it. Walking through the corridors of the faculty we find: "metaleros", "góticos", "emos", "ñoños" and a jungle of diversity and alternative people.
In personal, I really dislike the idea of stereotype. I laught a lot with them, but I think their damage and standardize people. In fact, some people like to be part of one group, part of something than take off your special feature!, HORROR!
But that is the human being expresing all the imagination.

Well, I have to say good bye, I am very tired, I just slept one hour in the night, and my brain is not funtional now.

Excuse my incoherence.

Have a nice weekend!!!

Bye (:
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